PaoloMittiga (AS,IWS,FWS,AIS)
International Wine Educator
"A Bottle of wine is like a painting, it contains the dreams, the vision, the hard work, the passion of many people involved in producing it."

I was born in Italy, in the beautiful city of Naples.
As a child, I got strongly motivated to learn what was behind the horizon that crossed the gorgeous body of water between Sorrento and Capo Miseno.
After graduating from College in electronic Engineering, I was very fortunate to get an opportunity to join the leaders of the technology boom in the Investment Banks in New York City during the late 80s, 90s and into the new century. This allowed me to travel the world and meet many fabulous people.
After more than 20 years, on Wall Street, in 2008 I decided that it was time to use some of my energy for my passion and hobby: Viticulture and Wine.
Kevin Zraly (the well known wine educator in New York City) gave me the inspiration.
By attending his great class, I was caught by his passion, his wit and his knowledge. We shared also the tragic experience of working on Ground Zero on 9/11.
After that, I joined the American Sommelier School also in New York, the course included "Blind Tasting. There I met great people, including his President and outstanding wine educator Andrew Bell, he also inspired me to truly focus on this hard study. There is so much to know about the exciting wine industry, many factors influence the production of that bottle we like. History, Geography, Biology, Weather patterns, Market drivers.
When I graduated, I knew what I wanted to be: a "Wine Educator, an "Influencer" and finally to leverage my wine knowledge and many years of team work and leadership in the Investment Banks for the marketing side of the wine and spirits industry. All this in addition to my engagements as technology advisor in the Financial Industry worldwide.
I knew that this new business/passion would have required continuous education, therefore I became member of the Wine Scholar Guild and I enrolled in the "Italian Wine Scholar"diploma. After many months of in depth study about the Italian regions, I graduated with the Highest Honors. I also enrolled and passed with honors the "French Wine Scholar" diploma class, a very in depth study of the French wine region, followed by three years in Italy for the AIS diploma.
During these years, I founded the Wine Voyager : www.thewinevoyager.com with its own Facebook page. I have traveled the world, visiting wineries in French, Spain, Croatia, United States and of course Italy, where I currently reside between my trips. I have taught wine master classes in New York at Corporate Headquarters and to many people in different venues in the North East. (see the Wine Voyager web site for details). I have also taught in Italy, in venues located in Naples where I introduced the Italian Regions with their different wines to a pleased audience. I am currently teaching in Malta , through the local Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.
I can be witty, entertaining and at the same time very professional as I present the topics.
Frequently, I publish detailed blogs (on the company web site and its Facebook page) about the depth of the Italian Wines and about my visits to regions and their wineries.
I also publish detailed notes on wines that I personally taste using the technique acquired in "Blind Tasting". One of my many goals is to become the "Campania Wines Evangelist", Influencing the world about the hidden treasures produced there. I am working with wineries of this region for their internationalization, of course focusing on United States where I still reside for few months in the year.
In summary,I consider myself a knowledgable wine person with a strong passion and a desire to learn that drives me everyday.
A Bottle of wine is like a painting, it contains the dreams, the vision, the hard work, the passion of many people involved in producing it. What we experience drinking it, it is just like admiring a painting. It may evoke different memories, feelings; it stimulates new experiences. With this in mind I always encourage my students and my followers, to look at the wine bottle and the label with attention, to wonder for example why the name of the wine; to close the eyes, imagine the people walking through the vineyards during the harvest (maybe singing), the enologist deciding the blend, the wine resting in the barrels for months and finally to enjoy the tasting through all the senses, to make a truly complete experience.